ヴィンテン/Vinten V3852-0003 Quattro-L Studio 4-Stage Pedestal with 10cm On-Shot Stroke Black/三脚/カメラ/camera/アクセサリー VOV38520003
Payload:105 kg (231.5 lb)Minimum height:45.2 cm (17.8'') - with wheels fully retractedMaximum height:148 cm (58.2'') - with maximum ground clearanceGround clearance:0-2.8 cm (0-1.1'')On-shot stroke:100 cm (39.4'')Doorway tracking width:107 cm (42'')Transit doorway width:Small steering ring 92 cm (36.2'')Large steering ring 92.4 cm (36.4'')Wheel diameter:16 cm (6.3'')Steering ring diameter:Small 58.9 cm (23'')Large 74 cm (29'')Maximum working pressure:16.3 bar (236 psi)Relief valve pressure:18 bar (260 psi)Weight (Pedestal):158 kg (348 lb)Weight (Trim):Main (5 x 1.0 kg) 5.0 kg (11 lb)Auxiliary (6 x 0.5 kg) 3.0 kg (6.6 lb)Warranty:Vinten 1 year limited warranty・Innovative low volume and low pressure pneumatics・Perfect Balance throughout any movement・100 cm on-shot stroke allows greater shot creativity・Triangular columns for maximum rigidity and minimal torsional twist・Quiet operation minimizes set noise levelsThe Vinten Quattro is a unique and innovative four-stage pedestal with an extensive range of benefits for today's camera operator. The Quattro-L studio pedestal provides an extensive height range and the opportunity to achieve lower angle shots as well as an impressive on-shot stroke of 100 cm. A revolutionary pneumatic design ensures that the Quattro pedestals provide Perfect Balance throughout their four-stages of elevation ensuring that they offer the exact support required for the camera operator to raise and lower the camera with minimal effort. A unique Document Holder designed to enhance the day-to-day use of the pedestals is available as an optional accessory.
- 商品価格:8,959,000円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0(5点満点)
三脚 関連ツイート
@sano_yusaku 2018/04/25 07:25
RT @fuhXHpoyvWeUWHU: 外環下298号草加→三郷方面、八条白鳥交差点からすぐ中央分離帯側に移動式オービス三脚タイプ設置してます。事前看板が青ではなく白に赤文字で分かりにくいです。
スピードに気を付けましょう。 https://t.co/VKRiRB973P@gts_hcr32 2018/04/25 08:07
RT @pikapanchi804: 2018.04.24
えだのん@新橋SL広場📣( 'ᴗ' )و
#立憲大作戦0424…@goyo_da 2018/04/25 07:54